Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Blog

New blog by Dukepro25 of Real World Connections.

What is this blog?

Well...it's a personal opinion blog.

What will be on this blog?

Anything and everything.

Who is Dukepro?

I'm a graphic designer.

What will there be to look forward to?

Reviews!!! Don't you just love discovering something new and fun? Websites, Blogs, Music, Videos, etc.

- - - - -

This blog is an edgier version of what I usually do.

A more mainstream look at things.

My previous blog, Real World Connections was a lighter take on life.

The good, the positive, the uplifting.

This will be more focused on main stream topics and my personal opinions about things.

I'm shedding the nice guy image and take a little more of a rougher slant to things.

Still positive, still uplifting, but more mainstream, more “real”.

I'll be reviewing blogs, music and movies regularly.

My sarcasm with shine through and I won‘t be holding back!!!

Ok - Maybe a little bit. lol

Stay Tuned!!! :D


Anonymous said...

Nice :D

Miss Shirl said...

That's awesome how the heck did you do that and working links too?

Joanne Cucinello said...

You are refreshing and spirited . . . talented as well, putting your great review together. Good luck!